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Swallow (Ba)


Elk jaar studeert een nieuwe lichting makers af aan het RITCS School of Arts. Van 6 tot en met 20 juni ontdek je in en rond Brussel de resultaten van hun fin de parcours tijdens het gratis slotfestival LICHTING RITCS. Brusselse cultuurtempels als KVS, Kaaitheater, Cinema Palace en Bronks zwaaien tijdens LICHTING RITCS de deuren open om de eindwerken van de makers van morgen voor te stellen aan het brede publiek. In de kantlijn van LICHTING RITCS worden ook de werken van de Bachelors Dramatische Kunsten gepresenteerd.

Who said smashing things up was a bad thing? Three strangers individual lives and the way they overlap, spark and fitfully connect provides the framework for Swallow. A relentless, raw play from the writer Stef Smith. "I've never doubted that we all wrestle with the chaos of deep, dark, hard things. We behave badly, drink too much, sleep too little, punch walls or pull our bodies apart. Rarely are we given the healthy tools that enable us to deal with this chaos. And yet, deal with it we do - we still get up the next day. And that's one of the things that Swallow looks at - the chaotic ways in which we continue. After all, it's one of the things humanity does best. We continue or, at the very least, we try to. So I'll let you continue on to the play. Enjoy, and good luck - with everything" - Stef Smith.

SWALLOW is written by Stef Smith. In Adaptation and direction by Esmée Begemann

Director Esmée Begemann (Bachelorthesis Directing RITCS) Coach Ruud Gielens Coach Dramaturg Bart Capelle Mentor Geert Opsomer Actors Ruth Borg, Bitha Babazadeh, Berthe Kilozo Technician Berne Dries (Podiumtechnieken RITCS) Coach Technician Harry Cole Scenography Assistant Desislava Irolav Petkova Scenography input Eline Van Herreweghen Additional music Elric Reinartz Dramaturgy Lucas van der Vegt/Petra Eikelenboom Production RITCS theatre department